For 2024, let’s make selfcare the new hedonism; find inner peace and the joy in the little things with our five steps to check-in with yourself this month. 

December is a heavy month filled with Christmas lights, a full glass and enough dairy to shame our Cheese Room. Now we know that the promises we make at midnight on the 31st December can often be forgotten by the first week so here are some ideas to encourage your pursuit of happiness. 

1. Self-Reflection

The Instagram posts of 2023 highlights are now but a distant memory but taking the time to pull together your thoughts and feelings from the past year may be a good jumping off point for your journey for wellness. 

A journal can be a space to express a train of thought without any pressure and can help you find those moments of joy or even frustration in our lives. Invest in a notebook to share your reflections with and try including everything from notes and ideas, drafts and quotes which inspire. 

2. Healthy Eating 

There is tremendous pleasure to be found in the preparation of food. Taking the time to choose a recipe, gather the ingredients and dedicate space to its creation can all assist in the enjoyment of eating.

2023 could have been the year you got caught in a food-rut with the same recipes week-in and week-out but take the opportunity for inspiration and experimentation by pursuing cookbooks packed with irresistible photography and thoughtful recipes.

3. Routine 

With all the comings and goings of the festive season, it can be nice to make your way back into routine. Taking care of your skin will not only contributes to physical well-being but can also have positive effects on your self-esteem and serenity. Use January to evaluate your skincare routine and find out what your skin needs, a great place to start is finding out your skin type. 

The wash test is a simple at home way of understanding your skin.  Wash your face with a gentle cleanser, pat dry and wait 30 minutes. If your skin is shiny, you have oily skin, if it feels tight or flaky, then you may have dry skin. There are various types between these and the best way to learn more is join us in Jarrolds Beauty Hall, where we will be able to help you on your skin self-discovery journey with free, express skin services at a number of the Beauty Counters.

4.    Connection

Human connection is important to your wellbeing, serving as a cornerstone for mental health. Taking care of meaningful relationships can help reinforce our welfare, creating a support system as well as offering comfort through stress and supporting happiness through good times. Beyond emotional support, social connections contribute to a sense of purpose and belonging, fostering a positive outlook on life. 

So use your wellness journey to make the time to nuture your relationships with those around you, meet for a coffee, lunch, shopping date or spa treatment at Jarrolds to help boost those good feelings. 

5.    Clean your space  

Tidy house, tidy mind… discover the difference a neat, well-organised and clean home can make to your mental health and well-being. 

A tidy environment fosters a sense of control and accomplishment while  positively impacting one's mood and productivity. Clutter-free spaces create a serene atmosphere, allowing individuals to relax and unwind. The physical orderliness extends to mental order, facilitating focus and creativity. Start the new year with a clean slate and tidy rooms, and develop your haven of tranquility.

Information correct as of 12th January 2024